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College Station Conceptual Photography

Monday, November 11, 2013

This semester in school, I've been taking a photography class to help me develop my photography skills and discover some new types of photography I hadn't even thought of before. A couple of weeks ago, our assignment was to create an image that seemed "impossible." While the majority of the class did something that had to do with people flying up in the air with umbrellas (I kid you not, at least 6 submissions where going for that Mary Poppins style), I went for something a bit different.. somewhat creepy, but totally awesome. Along the way I discovered a specific type of photography, conceptual photography, and I absolutely fell in love. I have so many ideas I want to try out and capture, so definitely be on the look out for more. I dare say, there may even be some Harry Potter involved! 

Anyway, for this particular image, I called upon a couple of friends of mine to help me out after searching for the perfect spot in College Station. I went to three different parks, but finally settled on this spot in Research Park on the A&M campus because of the beautiful, mature trees and the lighting was just spectacular! I may do another post on how we created this image, let me know if that's something y'all would be interested in. I am happy to say, Erin, the model in the photo, is doing just fine! Thanks for your help, Svenja and Erin, I couldn't have created this without you guys!

Conceptual Photography | Kristina Ross

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